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Foxglove | Side by Side of both sizes of Leather Crossbody Bag with Magnetic Messenger Bag Closure
Foxglove*Medium | Leather Crossbody Bag with Magnetic Messenger Bag Closure
Foxglove*Medium | Model Holding Leather Crossbody Bag with Magnetic Messenger Bag Closure
Foxglove*Medium | Model Wearing Leather Crossbody Bag with Magnetic Messenger Bag Closure
ANY*Medium | infographic Interior bag showing a large wallet, cellphone, balm, and glasses
All Variants | infographic
All Color: Foxglove | infographic

Metro Crossbody

Sale price $118
Compare: $210
Choose My Color: Foxglove
Choose My Size: Medium

Was: $118 Today: $88.50

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  • Not just a city bag, this Metro Crossbody goes everywhere!
  • Features a hidden magnet closure, interior pocket, and two strap loops
  • The perfect bag to hold your essentials close in polished style
  • Available in two sizes

Our durable leather goods are unlined, featuring the natural suede side of the hide. Since fabric-lined bags inevitably discolor and tear with use, we chose to showcase the soft sueded underside of our hides, ensuring that your bag lasts a lifetime.

Trusted by over 1 Million customers

Customer Reviews

Based on 3061 reviews

The color was great, but just a bit too small for me.Easy exchange or refund,


It feels and smells great. It’s plenty roomy for it being the small one. I just wish it had an outside pocket on the back. Oh I also love the color ❤️



Kathryn B.

My Metro Crossbody Mini is the perfect size. I ordered the blue. I love it. The handle length is perfect and can be adjusted to fit my needs. Leather is perfect. No flaws or marks. So glad I decided to go for it.


Perfect size Crossbody bag for travel and running quickly to the store.

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