Since the garage days of Portland Leather one thing has been very clear… our customers are much cooler than we are ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, our creatives, makers and staff are amazing, but the tens of thousands of people who love our leather goods surprise and astonish us on a daily basis.
In the past, the only way for us to get information to everyone was an email or text blast.

The Facebook Insiders is an interactive, positive and productive community for everyone.
Our team members will begin introducing themselves and our new space with video drops here on the Insiders. If you want a voice in the process, even better. We ask you to post pictures, drawings, thoughts, ideas, photos, Haikus or Brooklyn 99 Memes to help us envision how you would like us to create the space.
This Showroom & Outlet is not just for us, but for all of you.
We want to hear your voice.
So many things will be introduced in the next three months and we can’t wait to bring you the news of the amazing NEW developments at Portland Leather.
PS: Join our Insiders Facebook Group to talk all things leather with other PLG lovers — ALSO you’ll get to know all of the exciting secrets we have in store before anyone else does!
— CM